Western Mariner Highlights MEng and MEL NAME programs

Layout 1Western Mariner magazine’s annual education issue is out, and in the news are UBC’s two new NAME programs: the MEng NAME and the MEL NAME.

The Master of Engineering in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering (MEng NAME) program, now in its third year, is a technical program designed primarily for students coming out of an undergraduate degree who want to specialize their training and work in the shipbuilding industry. It involves 8 months of intensive coursework and a 4-month internship.

The Master of Engineering Leadership in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering (MEL NAME) is a brand new program, starting January 2016, for industry professionals looking to upgrade their career.  It combines a 50/50 mix of engineering and business courses, to equip a student for a position as a program manager or project leader. For more information on this program, see http://apscpp.ubc.ca/program/naval-architecture-marine-engineering/

Both programs are just one year in duration, so no matter what stage you are at in life, UBC has a program to help you fast-track your career in naval architecture and marine engineering!

Read the full article here: http://www.seaspan.com/wp-content/uploads/WM-Sep15-pg-22.pdf