
Lisnyk Design Competition Award goes to UBC students
Date: Sep 24, 2013
A group of undergraduate Mechanical Engineering students from UBC will take home the first-place award for the 2013 ASNE/SNAME Dr. James A. Lisnyk Design Competition next month. The winning entry, “Concept Design of a Multi-Purpose Shallow Draft Buoytender for the Canadian Coast Guard,” was designed by Matthew Allan, Daniel B. Greig, Brenden S. Oke, and Byron […]

UBC Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering featured in BC Shipping News
Date: Jul 01, 2013
Our new Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering Master’s stream was featured in the July/August 2013 issue of BC Shipping News. The article gives a brief history of how the program got started and a summary of who and what is involved in this new degree. The magazine as a whole offers news related to the […]

UBC wins SailBot competition with first-ever perfect score
Date: Jun 18, 2013
Congratulations to our fellow marine engineers on the UBC SailBot team, who won the 7th annual International Robotic Sailing Regatta with a perfect score of 50/50 — the “first in the history of the competition”! Here is the story originally from APSC News: The UBC Sailbots achieved a perfect score at the 7th annual International […]